Monday, May 14, 2007


It's been awhile since I posted here. My husband, Paul, and I just got back from quite the adventure. My son, Ben, just graduated from the Border Patrol Academy in Artesia, New Mexico, and then moved to Laredo, TX. So, Paul and I drove to Virginia where my son has been living with his wife and son. We helped Sarah (Ben's wife) finish packing up their belongings and loaded them onto a rented truck. Then we flew to Ben's graduation ceremony in New Mexico. Two days later we flew back to VA and then began the 3 day drive to Laredo. Paul and I were driving the truck, towing one of their cars, and Ben, Sarah, Billy, their dog and cat drove their other car. It took 2 very long days and 1 shorter day. Then we arrived at their new apartment and unloaded the truck, brought the truck back to the rental location and went to dinner (9 p.m.). This morning Paul and I flew back home to CT. This all took place over the last 9 days. Quite the adventure, like I said. Along the way I managed to knit 11 hats for the homeless (see directions from earlier posts). I'll put up some pictures soon.

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