Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Day 3

So, apparently I forgot to mention in my first entry that I also enjoy quilting. It's fun to take perfectly good fabric, cut it into tiny pieces and then sew it all back together in a different pattern. I actually like to do all kinds of sewing and needlework.

So back to "about me" I work as a recreation supervisor and I love it. I get to plan lots of programs, hire staff to teach them and then watch the smiles on people's faces as they get to do all kinds of things. We have the typical programs like tumbling and arts and crafts for kids and some "adult ed" classes like German and Spanish, but we also have some not so typical programs like Chinese medicine for infertility and 14th century German Longswords. It never ceases to amaze me what kinds of programs people will respond to. We offered 2 Modern Latin Dance classes this Winter and had so many people interested that we had to add 3 more classes. I guess Dancing with the Stars and So You Think You Can Dance have played a role there.

I work with a bunch of great people too so it's fun to go to work every day. I have some very funny stories to tell about some of the patrons of our community center, but I'll save them for another time.

1 comment:

keith said...

Hi Mommo. It was in your profile that you didn't mention that you like quilting. Not in your first blog entry. It just says "knitting, cross-stich, home renovation," etc. Nothing about quilting. Glad you're enjoying your job, despite the problem with the Celtics game. Anyone teaching Voodoo this year?